Alicia Charalambidou-A is a Professional Athlete and a Licensed Physical Educator and Fitness expert in Cyprus as well in Europe and Asia.
She started her sports career as a competitive gymnast at the age of 5 years old, following several competitions abroad representing her native country Cyprus.
She then moved to Hungary and attended Semmelweis University where she got her BA in physical Education and an MA in Dance Studies, at the same time attending a Hungarian Dance Academy where she specialized in modern Dance.
She applied my Ballet, Jazz and Contemporary Commercial Dance skills to broaden her experience in the competitive world. As per today, she is the President of the Cyprus Federation of Sport and Social Dance and she is the proud Founder and Owner of Diversity Wellness & Dance Studio in Nicosia.
She enjoys Teaching and Paving the path of Dance and Fitness to kids in her Dance School and adults at Frederick University where she is part of the sport faculty department.